Who Else Wants To Share Their Passion, Business, & More With a Television Studio In Their Pocket?
The Secrets to Mastering Periscope, Blab, & Facebook Live!

Watch this short auto-run webinar replay to discover how you can learn those secrets


Live Video Secrets

Live streaming video from a smartphone is exploding. Periscope, Blab and now Facebook Live make it possible. You have the phone, the apps are free or dirt cheap, and the world wants to hear your passion!

Here’s what you get in video lessons and what we we will cover:

Overview and why live streaming is important for the future of online content
Apps that make it happen, Periscope, Blab and Facebook Live
Why Facebook Live is the way to go when you get it in your Facebook app
How to find, download,and install the apps needed on your phone or tablet
How to setup live stream on all 3 popular systems
How to schedule broadcasts and get subscribers
How to link in posts to products, affiliate offers, or optins
How to test without going live or just create offline content
How to create a 2 person interview
How to create a 1 person presentation with slides in real time
How to save productions to your device or computer to re-purpose
How to re-purpose content as YouTube content, Podcast or Blog posts, and more
Intro to editing and repurposing live stream into new video content
Where to get inexpensive hardware solutions – selfie stick & stand, Apogee Studio Mic
Jeff’s Live Video content templates for better shows
Wrap up and the challenge of what to do next
And much, much more!


We hope you will agree, live video will help you explode your authority, expertise, passion and business like crazy. This is the time to be a leader and have your followers be amazed from going live in video! Why will they be amazed? Because you got Live Video Secrets! Do it today and Go Use This Stuff.

Mike Stewart & Jeff Herring

Live Video Secrets

Here is an example of a live stream like we suggest you learn to do to your community!


Results Now Cafe – The 4 Rules of Profitable Evergreen Traffic

Posted by Jeff Herring on Monday, February 15, 2016